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windmouse 15.6.2008 16:12

no psal jsem na hofyland, tak snad mi neco prijde

Los[cz] 15.6.2008 19:33

Na to bych nespoléhal, p?edchozí termín pozvánek jsi propásl a další bude neznámo kdy. Dle iR devs má registrace do iRacing newsletteru stejný efekt jako žádost o pozvánku, tzn. d?íve ?i pozd?ji t? osloví s nabídkou ?lenství.

Ted vidím, že již byla spušt?na registra?ní stránka, akorát je ke vstupu pot?eba zadat "Promotion Code". :D

windmouse 15.6.2008 23:42

ba ne, ja tam tusim psal jeste nekdy pred uzaverkou

AdamCZ 16.6.2008 22:58

Ticho po pesine... :sleep1:

windmouse 17.6.2008 16:15


AdamCZ 17.6.2008 20:12


Originally Posted by windmouse (Post 86620)

Jj. Jsem taky v seznamu na pozvani, ale zatim se ceka... :munching_out:
Jsem jen zvedav jak nam to bude chodit, kdyz maj vsechny servery v US.
Toyota Hilux Platform Specifications

Ondrejko 17.6.2008 21:38


Originally Posted by AdamCZ (Post 86635)
Jsem jen zvedav jak nam to bude chodit, kdyz maj vsechny servery v US.

toho sa neobavam, na RSC fore sa o tom vela pisalo, ze spojenie bolo velmi dobre hoci hraci ziju na opacnych koncoch sveta.

AdamCZ 18.6.2008 02:15


Originally Posted by Ondrejko (Post 86643)
toho sa neobavam, na RSC fore sa o tom vela pisalo, ze spojenie bolo velmi dobre hoci hraci ziju na opacnych koncoch sveta.

To jo ale neco jinyho bude kdyz budes zavodit sam proti lidem z US a nebo ze vas bude vetsina z tech jinejch koncu. Zkratka me prijde ze vzdalenost je proste vzdalenost. Neco spolecnyho s tim ma rychlost svetla nebo co... :)
Honda xr250

Ondrejko 18.6.2008 09:02

uvidime ake to bude, ked to dostaneme. aj tak vacsinou budeme jazdit proti europanom

AdamCZ 18.6.2008 10:12


Originally Posted by Ondrejko (Post 86663)
uvidime ake to bude, ked to dostaneme. aj tak vacsinou budeme jazdit proti europanom

No prave. Kdyz budem jezdit proti Evropanum tak se budem muset stejne propojovat pres servery v US.
No uvidime...

Jupiter 20.6.2008 22:23

...podla tohto ( fora by tie pozvanky mohli posielat buduci tyzden, zaujimavy je hlavne prispevok #25

Ondrejko 21.6.2008 13:48

model poskodenia 21.6.2008 13:58

To je poprvé, co opravdu lituju, že je to tak drahý...

Agarash 22.6.2008 16:13


Originally Posted by (Post 86907)
To je poprvé, co opravdu lituju, že je to tak drahý...

Krom textur je to stejne jako v lfs.

Pablo 22.6.2008 17:29


Originally Posted by Agarash (Post 86930)
Krom textur je to stejne jako v lfs.

No v rámci objektivity nutno ?íct, že LFS v tomhle pokulhává. Zlepšení damage modelu/detekce kolizí je v?c, kterou bych si p?ál nejvíc. Pokud se pokusíš ud?lat to na videu, na 90% to skon?í p?i trošku v?tší rychlosti "výletem do vesmíru" a mnohem v?tším ohnutím záv?su t?ch kol co nenarazily (testováno s V8 / KY oval / tráva+ze? na vnit?ní stran? oválu, úhel zhruba stejný, akorát rychlost nevím. Malá nezp?sobila poškození skoro žádné a v?tší vedla ke snahám vyst?elit auto do vzduchu)

dravgunov 22.6.2008 18:40

No já jsem na model poškození dost náro?nej. Zatím mi to bude asi muset sta?it, ale dokud nebude n?co jako tady tak nebudu spokojený :D

Ondrejko 22.6.2008 20:22


Originally Posted by dravgunov (Post 86945)
No já jsem na model poškození dost náro?nej. Zatím mi to bude asi muset sta?it, ale dokud nebude n?co jako tady tak nebudu spokojený :D

tu mas gamesu s takym modelom poskodenia :D

edit: review v novom ASS

Ondrejko 25.6.2008 19:39

Great news! As of June 25th, the invitation process has begun. We are sending out several thousand invitations to join the service in the first of multiple waves that will be distributed between now and the end of the summer. Included in this first wave are the nominees that you beta testers passed on to us, as well as some of the individuals who previously registered on the public Web site. Subsequent waves of invitations will include iRacing corporate partners and additional registrants from the iRacing public site.

Over the next week or so, we expect to add thousands of new members. That means that our scheduled races will be more fully populated. The iRacing service will work as it was designed to, competition will be more interesting and the social aspects of our still-young community will become more evident. These changes are only a hint of what's to come, but they represent another important step forward.

Development continues, and we expect to have our doors wide open by the end of the summer. But if you know of anyone who wants to join before then (and wasn't already included in your list of nominees), please have them go to our public site ( and register for updates.

As charter members of the iRacing community, you've had a chance to experience the sim and the service before anyone else. We hope that the rewards of participating in this pioneering endeavor have outweighed any inconveniences associated with our early development and growth, and we thank you once again for your patience and support.

One of the great things about is that the service will never stop growing. Coming soon to our selection of tracks is one of America's most historic road courses: Sebring International Raceway.

For sportscar racers there's no more hallowed ground. Built on the site of a World War II bomber pilot training base in Central Florida, Sebring has since 1952 been host to an annual mid-March 12-hour sportscar endurance race.

Today Sebring has three unique configurations and the facility is also host to vintage and SCCA club racing, as well serving as a test track for many other series.

Tradition hangs in the air at Sebring like the scent of the neighboring citrus groves. If iRacing's version of the track were any more authentic, you could walk next door and pick the oranges.

Pablo 25.6.2008 21:17

Bu? neumím dob?e anglicky, nebo si ty první 3 odstavce mírn? odporují: nyní posílají tisíce pozvánek v rámci první z n?kolika vln, ale zárove? kdo ješt? nemá pozvánku a cht?l by jezdit d?ív než na konci léta, má se regnout => pošlou to te? všem a dokonce i t?m, kte?í se teprve regnou. Komu to teda cht?jí posílat v t?ch vlnách na konci léta nechápu.

Ondrejko 25.6.2008 22:05

Hi Guys,

I just want to say a couple of things.

When you first get into the service, there's some reading to do - please read it. If you would like to re-read at any point in the future, click 'Instruction' in the menu of the members Web site. It will save you a lot of time later on when you can't do something while everyone who read what they should, can do everything perfectly. Think of it like going to sit in a car for the first time, you're never just given the keys... You have to do the other stuff first.

Secondly, you will be in a rookie car with rookies all around you. As much as someone might try to not hit you into T1, they might. Be aware that your behaviour after someone crashes into you is just as important as their bad driving. Abusive language is not tolerated in chat, voice or forum.

Thirdly, have fun. If you need help, we're all there for you. The beta testers know a lot more about the sim's current state than I do.


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